Pick Yourself
Dec 2017 »Pick Yourself by Jean-Marie Buchilly - My fellow altMBA alumni Helena Escalante recently published a great post within her blog EntreGurus. The title is Pick Yourself in reference to Seth Godins book The Icarus Deception. In the post she mentioned a 1 page kind of manifesto Seth gave her and that hangs on her officewall. It happens that this same 1 page hangs on my office wall too. I put it somewhere close to the path (I work in an open space) so that everybody walking here can see it; hoping they would stop read and think. Its some kind of an eyecatcher. Sometimes when the discussion is about the (lack of) impact we are having on our world I also mention the Pick Yourself concept. And to make it even more concrete I usually connect it to two other awesome posts Seth offered us through hisblog. The first one is named Missing from your job description. Its a checklist of what everyone could (should) do that never figures in anyones job description and that will for sure make impact and change the way we work and the way people seeus. The second is named Promotion demotion and opportunity. The key conpcet here is as if. When we do not have the title or the role we should do as if and produce the work that we would do if we had the title or therole. Both attitudes are concrete ways of picking yourself. And there are manymore. Pick Yourself was originally published in It’s Your Turn on Medium where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.