Do you workout everyday? Squeeze in extra cardio on the weekend? Spend an hour or more on your workouts? Stress out if you miss a day? Still not making the progress you want despite spending more time than ever going to the gym? There is a better way!! You dont have to workout that much to reach your goals! Plus I guarantee that a routine that leaves you stressed and takes up a bunch of your time is not something thats sustainable. Especially for busy parents having a workout routine that doesnt fit into your life will just leave you feeling worse. So here are some tips: Quality over quantity. Focus on shorter more strategic workouts. Use circuits and supersets to your advantage to limit down time and get in a great workout fast! Learning proper form goes a long way too as each exercise will be more efficient and effective! Prioritize strength training over cardio. If you have to choose strength training is more important than cardio in my book and according to research. Not saying dont do any cardio but so many people I talk to especially women feel the need to do hours of cardio to lose weight or stay in shape and who has time for that?!?! Strength training will help prepare you for the demands of parenthood help you feel strong and fit and help decrease risk of injury. Find something you enjoy! While I think more strength training is something that almost everyone would benefit from finding something that you enjoy and can make a part of your lifestyle is most important. Movement that makes you feel good will enhance your mood and you are more likely to stick with it! If you or someone you know is struggling with making fitness easy and stress free send me a message! Working out from home with the help of an online personal trainer (me!!!) can be a great way to fit fitness into your lifestyle while still reaching your goals and getting guidance from a professional. #onlinetrainer #onlinecoach #coach #fitlife #fitnessjourney #postpartumjourney #healthylifestyle #workingout #fitnessforlife #momworkout #momlife #motherhoodunplugged #momswhoworkout #fitmom #fitmama #fitmo
Jun 2017 »Do you workout everyday? Squeeze in extra cardio on the weekend? Spend an hour or more on your workouts? Stress out if you miss a day? Still not making the progress you want despite spending more time than ever going to the gym? There is a better way!! You dont have to workout that much to reach your goals! Plus I guarantee that a routine that leaves you stressed and takes up a bunch of your time is not something thats sustainable. Especially for busy parents having a workout routine that doesnt fit into your life will just leave you feeling worse. So here are some tips: Quality over quantity. Focus on shorter more strategic workouts. Use circuits and supersets to your advantage to limit down time and get in a great workout fast! Learning proper form goes a long way too as each exercise will be more efficient and effective! Prioritize strength training over cardio. If you have to choose strength training is more important than cardio in my book and according to research. Not saying dont do any cardio but so many people I talk to especially women feel the need to do hours of cardio to lose weight or stay in shape and who has time for that?!?! Strength training will help prepare you for the demands of parenthood help you feel strong and fit and help decrease risk of injury. Find something you enjoy! While I think more strength training is something that almost everyone would benefit from finding something that you enjoy and can make a part of your lifestyle is most important. Movement that makes you feel good will enhance your mood and you are more likely to stick with it! If you or someone you know is struggling with making fitness easy and stress free send me a message! Working out from home with the help of an online personal trainer (me!!!) can be a great way to fit fitness into your lifestyle while still reaching your goals and getting guidance from a professional. #onlinetrainer #onlinecoach #coach #fitlife #fitnessjourney #postpartumjourney #healthylifestyle #workingout #fitnessforlife #momworkout #momlife #motherhoodunplugged #momswhoworkout #fitmom #fitmama #fitmo